Having a problem?  

There are times in everyone's life when we confront challenges that leave us feeling confused, frustrated, lost, and even hopeless. When you or someone in your life is stuck in the face of psychological hurdles, turn to the experienced professionals at AAP.  

Associates for Applied Psychology is a multispecialty practice offering a full range of psychological and behavioral services to individuals and families of all ages. Since its origins in the 1980s, AAP has attracted many highly respected psychologists and counselors with substantial expertise across a broad range of mental health domains. The expertise of many of our staff has been recognized at the state, national, and international levels

We aspire to be a one-stop center for all psychological therapy and assessment services in the Brazos Valley. To learn more, tour the website or call us directly at (979) 268-1111.


  • Individual Therapy for Adults and children, & couples
  • Marital and Family therapy
  • Divorce counseling
  • Play Therapy
  • Health-related problems (smoking cessation, lifestyle changes, stress reduction)
  • Psychological Evaluations
    • Personality functioning
    • Adult ADHD
    • Pre-employment 
    • Pre-surgery
    • Treatment Planning
    • Forensic evaluation (competency, personal injury, etc.)
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