Dr. Nancy Crist Welch has been providing psychotherapy for over 25 years. She has workedin a variety of settings, including college counseling centers (Texas A&M University and the University of Texas at Austin), the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. department of State, and Texas school districts. She has practiced in Texas and is listed with the National Register of Health Service Providers.
The demands of life often lead to challenges and struggles, and the therapeutic process provides an opportunity to experience a safe and respectful environment while addressing important issues and concerns. Some of her specific interests include issues of returning veterans, relationship concerns, women's issues, trauma work, and self-growth and discovery.
As a therapist, Dr. Welch holds a humanistic, cultural-relational perspective; that is, she focuses on the context of one's life as opposed to viewing the self in isolation. This context includes both that of the person's present situation as well as the context in which one grew up. She believes that personal well-being and self-esteem are strongly related to the ability to connect with others in a mutually authentic and meaningful way.